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Left4Dead Review Part 1: Introduction


Left4Dead, commonly known as L4D is a co-op based FPS (first-person shooter) by Valve Corporation, makers of the award-winning Counter-Strike, Half-Life series, Portal and Team Fortress.

There are 4 main characters that the player can take control of. Zoey, Francis, Bill and Louis. The abilities of each character is equal, so there's no point with fighting with a friend to choose over any of these characters.

The goal of the game, which depends on which mode is being played, is generally simple. Rush to the next safehouse. That's normal mode.

In versus mode, there can be 8 human players, 4 on Survivors, 4 on Infected. You can play as Boomer, Tank, Smoker or Hunter while on the Infected side but not as the Witch which is still AI controlled.

In the newest mode, Survival, players have to face hordes of Common Infected and 4 Special Infected at a time. For example: Usually there are only 2 Tanks, but in Survival there can be 2 or more.

The Infected (in case most of you don't know) are the names of the zombies you fight in Left4Dead. Common Infected run at you and start slapping you to your death. In hordes, they are lethal but are relatively weak in small numbers.

There are 4 types of Special Infected:-

Boomer, a big-sized Infected which vomits bile onto Survivors, attracting hordes of Common Infected. Boomers make gurgling sounds and can be heard when nearby. A few shots should take this one out.

Hunter, an Infected which pounces onto Survivors rendering them helpless. The sign that this Infected is near is it's high-pitched scream. This Infected is quite dangerous and once it pounces, another Survivor must help the Survivor that was pounced on.

Smoker, an Infected which grabs Survivors using it's tongue and constricts it's victim. Smokers make coughing sounds and can be heard quite easily. Similar to Hunters, Smokers can render a Survivor helpless until another Survivor shoots the Smoker or it's tongue, which will free the Survivor constricted.

Witch, a female Infected which is always seen on the floor crying. The Witch's crying can be heard from a distance. Witches are provoked when:
1)A Survivor goes too close
2)A Survivor shoots the Witch
3)A Survivor's flashlight shines on the Witch
An effective way to kill the Witch is to have 3 Survivors ready to shoot her while 1 Survivor provokes her.

Tank, this is the final and 5th Special Infected. The Tank has immense strength and is capable of punching cars, or objects towards Survivors, incapacitating them immediately, the Tank can also throw boulders at Survivors, causing great damage. The best way to take down one of these is to throw a Molotov, or aim for it's head.

That's the end of Part 1 of my review, the introduction.

NOTE:TC's L4D review Part 2 will be back with more screenshots.

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